Monday, March 5, 2012

Spring Fever Watch Issued

Mar 5, 2012; 7:09 AM ET
Monday 8 a.m.
It is cold throughout the Northeast this morning, with snow crossing West Virginia and Virginia. At 7 a.m., it was snowing in Richmond! A low pressure area that was centered over southwestern Virginia this morning will move straight out to sea and not move up the East Coast tonight and tomorrow.
The high pressure area marking the center of the current cold air mass was over Iowa this morning. By tomorrow morning, it will be over Virginia, then off the East Coast Wednesday. The clockwise flow around the high means southwesterly winds will take over and promote a major warmup.
Take Buffalo, for example. We are predicting a high temperature of only 28 today, but 58 on Wednesday. The warmest air will only be in the Northeast for a couple of days, but for many it will be a welcome taste of spring. On the other hand, for residents in the areas hit by the tornado outbreaks of last Wednesday and Friday, with the chill of this morning (and snow in some battered towns) and destruction all around, cheer is hard to come by.

This map shows the expected flow pattern for Wednesday afternoon. Southwest winds will prevail from the Mississippi Valley to the East Coast.

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