Saturday, March 17, 2012 - WeatherMatrix | One Year Ago... The Boxing Day Blizzard

Dec 22, 2011; 3:57 PM ET
Last year this week, we were forecasting the "Boxing Day Blizzard" which covered Alabama through Maine, and dropped 32 inches of snow near New York City. This year we're confident enough to write off the Christmas Day Blizzard, but last year I warned: "The models did a terrible job of predicting this storm, and didn't get it together until yesterday (24 hours out!)"
In my blog entitled "What You Need to Know About the Boxing Day Blizzard," I warned: "This is going to be a big storm, with heavy snow, high winds, high snow drifts... Roads will close and travel will be nearly impossible over much of the I-95 corridor in the northeast quadrant of the country."
Some of the notable stats from the storm:
- At one point the entire Northeast coast was under a Blizzard Warning
- Atlanta, Georgia celebrated their first White Christmas since 1881
- A buoy off the Nantucket coast dropped to 28.44" pressure (close to Cat 3 Hurricane)
- Winds gusted up to 80 mph in Massachusetts
- A heavy storm surge caused "water up to car windows" in Connecticut

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