Thursday, March 22, 2012

Freezer Burn Potential for Northeast

Unprotected tender early-blooming plants are at risk for getting frostbitten early next week. ( image)
By , Expert Senior Meteorologist
Mar 22, 2012; 1:10 PM ET
In the wake of a slow-moving storm slated to impact the Northeast this weekend, a brief push of chilly air can bring a frost and freeze to interior locations early next week.
Normally, speaking of a frost or freezing temperatures would not be a concern in late March. However, due to the great expanse budding, blossoming and flower-buying of late, it is a worry.
Temperatures are forecast to drop below freezing for several hours from portions of Pennsylvania to upstate New York and northwestern New England Monday night.
The risk extends farther east into New England ad perhaps part of the mid-Atlantic Tuesday night.
In portions of New England, it could be two nights of concern.
A frost and risk of a freeze is possible around portions of the central Great Lakes, central Appalachians and mid-Atlantic coast.
High pressure from Canada may come in such a way to tame the breeze and produce clear skies.
While warmer-than-average lake and ocean waters, as well as now warmer-than-average ground temperatures, will negate the weather system somewhat, it may not be enough to avoid damaging conditions.
The cold air will collect near the ground, so lower plants, such as grapevines and those flowers you have on the front porch, may be more susceptible than say full-sized fruit trees.
Some garden hoses brought out and filled with water could burst under such conditions.
Details will continue to unfold as to the magnitude of the brief cold shot expected early next week.
At the very least, after the amazing warmth of the past several weeks, the brief visit will pack a bite and a bit of a reality check.
Additional Freezes Possible
According to Long Range Expert Joe Lundberg, "Looking ahead, it is possible we will have several additional episodes of near- or below-freezing temperatures during the nighttime and early morning hours moving forward into April in the Northeast."
"It will be a matter of timing as to when the chilly high pressure areas move down, versus occurring at night and if skies become clear and winds diminish," Lundberg added.
While prepping the vegetable or flower garden for planting may prove to be a time-saver, the old average date of the last frost and freeze may yet prove to be the best guideline in determining when to plant at least in the Northeast despite this amazingly warm pattern.
The upcoming pattern into April will feature less long-running extreme warmth, but more swings between seasonable chill and warmth in the Northeast.

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