Thursday, March 8, 2012

Heavy Thunderstorms and the Last Lake Snows

Mar 8, 2012; 9:31 AM ET
1. Probably the last real shot of cold air will move across the northern tier of the country the next two days. Once the cold air moves it, spring will come in and warmth should dominate for a few weeks. The cold air coming across the Great Lakes will mean a last shot of lake-effect snows for areas of the northern and eastern Great Lakes. We also have a clipper that will move across these areas, enhancing the lake snows and flurries Friday. By Sunday, the cold air will be gone and temps will be off to the races.
2. I downplayed the severe storms in the area shown on the map. There is a lot of cloud cover and storms already have developed which will hold down the heating and the storm potential. I think most of the storms will be heavy rain and gusty wind producers. 

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