Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hundreds to Flee Canada Flooding

Photo.com/Cathleen Carrigan
By , Senior Meteorologist
Mar 27, 2012; 5:54 AM ET
More than 300 people were expected to leave their flood-threatened homes in northern Ontario, Canada, as of Sunday.
Ice jamming on the Albany River near James Bay was menacing the indigenous communities of Fort Albany and Kashechewan, the CBC New website said.
The town of Smiths Falls was on standby to take in people evacuated from the remote region.
Kapuskasing and Wawa, Ontario, were expected to host the 300 " more vulnerable" residents following a state of emergency declaration. Kapuskasing had already taken in about 50 people as of Saturday night.
Northern Ontario experienced one to two weeks of extraordinary warmth this month, triggering an early snow belt and ice breakup.
During the historic warm spell, temperatures rose 15 to 25 degrees C (nearly 30 to 50 degrees F) above normal, weather data accessed by AccuWeather.com showed.

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