Sunday, March 4, 2012

Snow from Clipper Aims for Ohio Valley, Appalachians

Mar 4, 2012; 7:10 AM ET
For a larger version of this snow map, visit the Winter Weather Center.
A weak storm system dropping south from Canada will paint a swath of snow across the Midwest and mid-Atlantic early this week.
Unfortunately, some towns and communities devastated by recent tornado outbreaks lie in the path of this wintry weather.
The clipper will track south along the Missouri Valley today, with a light accumulation of snow expected from the Dakotas and western Minnesota south through Iowa, northern Missouri and Illinois.
Other, lighter snow showers will whiten areas across the lower Great Lakes, including Chicago and Toledo.
An infusion of upper-level energy will help to enhance the snow as the system dives into the Ohio and upper Tennessee Valleys tonight.
A couple of inches of snow will accumulate overnight in Evansville, Louisville and Lexington, as well as surrounding areas still cleaning up from last week's severe weather.
With temperatures remaining fairly mild at the surface, the snow could mix with rain for a time, and might have a hard time sticking on paved surfaces.

The snow and colder temperatures, in some places by as much as 40 degrees from Friday, will only slow down the cleanup process in the wake of the horrific tornado damage.
The heaviest accumulation from this storm, 3 to 5 inches, will occur over the hills of eastern Kentucky, and in the mountains over western North Carolina, southwestern Virginia and southeastern West Virginia.
By Monday, a swath of at least an inch of snow will extend across much of central Virginia. A few flakes could even fly as far east as the Delmarva and the Hampton Roads area, both locations that have had little snow this winter.
Given that we are heading deeper into March, the snow will have a difficult time sticking in these areas, especially with temperatures above freezing.
By midweek, springlike warmth will overspread the area, and any snow will just be a distant memory.

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