Saturday, March 10, 2012

Welcome Texas Rains Continue This Weekend

Mar 10, 2012; 11:20 AM ET
Welcome rains across Texas will continue through the weekend, helping to alleviate the moderate to severe drought that continues.
Nearly 86.5 percent of the state of Texas continues to suffer from moderate to severe drought conditions with the worst impacts across the west and south.
Just three months ago, 100 percent of the state was suffering from drought conditions. Since that time, substantial soaking rains have virtually wiped out the drought across just over 6 percent of northeastern Texas in the vicinity of the Red River.
More relief is on the way to central and eastern Texas tonight through Sunday as steady rains fall across these regions.
Moisture streaming northward ahead of an approaching disturbance will continue to spark moderate to locally heavy downpours across the eastern half of the state.
By Sunday afternoon, rainfall totals will likely be in the one- to three-inch range from Tyler, Texas, through Paris, Texas.
Even the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex could pick up greater than an inch of rainfall which would put them well above normal for the year thus far.
Farther to the south, rainfall totals of one-half to one inch will be welcome with open arms from Beaumont to Houston to Corpus Christi and Del Rio where the drought continues to significantly impact the region.
While the news is good across central and eastern Texas, things aren't so good across West Texas and the Rio Grande Valley.
Much lighter rains in the form of spotty showers will fall in cities such as Brownsville, Port Isabel, and Midland where rains are desperately needed.
This is a current image of the ongoing drought in Texas courtesy the U.S. Drought Monitor. The darker reds across western and southern Texas represent the most severe conditions.
The storm responsible for these rains will also spark a few strong thunderstorms across the Arklatex region on Sunday.
Cities in line for severe weather include Little Rock, Ark., Shreveport, La., and Longview, Texas.
More information on the severe weather potential can be found in the Severe Weather Center.

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