Sunday, April 1, 2012

Yacht Disabled in Rough Seas off the Coast of California

Photo of a U.S. Coast Guard Cutter and Helicopter courtesy of
By Vickie Frantz, Staff Writer
Apr 1, 2012; 10:41 AM ET
The coast guard is en route to rescue the crew of the yacht Geraldton Western Australia after rough seas disabled the vessel off the coast of California Saturday evening.
A large wave washed the yacht's steering and communication equipment out to sea, according to reports by
"Around 7 p.m. EDT Saturday, there was a 28-foot wave reported about 400 miles off the coast west of San Francisco," said Senior Meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski. "A 22-foot wave was reported about 320 miles west-northwest off the coast near the border of California and Oregon."
The wave that swamped the yacht injured at least three members of the crew. The injuries reported include a back injury, broken ribs and a pelvic sprain.
The USCG Cutter Bertholf is expected to reach the disabled yacht on Sunday morning. They will assess the injuries, provide first aid and prepare the injured crew members for rescue by helicopter. The helicopter will be launched by the rescue cutter.
Saturday evening, a coast guard Hercules search and rescue aircraft and para-jumper team made contact with the yacht. Rough seas prevented the rescuers from jumping from the helicopter. The team was able to drop medical supplies to the yacht crew.
The yacht was one of 10 vessels competing in an around-the-world race. The race began in the UK in August of 2011.
"The winds and wave heights will be subsiding today; however, seas will remain rough. The wind will pick up again on Monday as another cold front approaches the West coast," Pydynowski said.

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