Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Britain Battles Blazes Amid Record Warmth

Nearly cloudless skies over the British Archipelago allowed this fine satellite shot, taken on Monday, March 26, 2012. (NASA/Earth Observatory)
By , Senior Meteorologist
Mar 28, 2012; 2:54 PM ET
Wildfires have kindled amid sunshine, unusual warmth and low humidity as the UK experienced record warmth since late last week.
Scotland, England and Wales all had wildfires burning on Monday and Tuesday, according to multiple reports.
Daytime temperatures have soared 8 to at least 12 degrees C above normal, as readings topped 20 degrees C over a wide area.
One wildfire in the Scottish Borders burned along a 1-2 km front above the Solway Firth. The BBC News website said it was seen in Workington, England, which is more than 30 km away.
Moorland fires were being tackled in North Yorkshire, according to the Daily Mail website.
Firefighters were called to another series of blazes the burned the Lancashire countryside near Edenfield, north of Manchester.
A 500-acre cemetery near Woking, Surrey, England, was the site of a 17-acre fire.
June-like warmth, fostered by strong high pressure that accompanied a shot of warm air out of southwest Europe, built daily beneath nearly cloudless skies beginning Sunday.
The highest recorded March temperature for Scotland was broken on Sunday, the UK Met Office said on Monday. The ink was barely dry as the record was rewritten two more times early this week.
Aboyne set the new record high with Monday's reading of 22.9 degrees C, only to lift the record still higher after Tuesday saw 23.6 degrees C (74 F).
The warm daytimes will last through Thursday or Friday before temperatures tend back towards normal for the end of the week.

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