Friday, March 2, 2012

Large Tornado Risk Area into This Evening

Mar 2, 2012; 10:50 AM ET
If a storm is approaching your location, seek shelter in the basement, in a small interior room, or cover yourself with a mattress. (Image by
Areas from the Ohio and Tennessee valleys to the southern Appalachians are in harm's way into this evening as the potential for tornadoes is greatly elevated.
The weather setup has the potential not only to produce damaging wind, large hail and tornadoes, but also the risk of multiple strong, long-tracking tornadoes.
The broad risk of tornadoes will occur along and ahead of a cold front sweeping from west to east into this evening. The threat of violent storms and tornadoes will not end until that front sweeps to the east.
**Thunderstorms in portions of eastern Tennessee and northern Alabama have already produced tornadoes during the midday.**
**Tornadoes were touching down in portions of southeastern Missouri and southern Indiana late in the morning.**
It is possible that some areas will be hit by more than one violent thunderstorm and are at risk for multiple hours into this evening.
The storms will be moving fast, some at a speed of nearly 50 mph and people may not have much time to react.
Even though your day may have started cool and clammy, weather conditions can change rapidly in this situation favoring severe weather.


Areas at greatest risk during the afternoon hours will stretch from southeastern Illinois and central Indiana southward to northern Mississippi and northern Alabama. Cities within this risk area include Indianapolis, Ind.; Dayton, Ohio; Louisville, Ky.; Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Clarksville, Tenn.; Tupelo, Miss.; and Huntsville, Ala.
During the evening, the greatest risk area for tornadoes will stretch from central Ohio and western West Virginia southward to northern Mississippi, northern Alabama and northwestern Georgia. Cities within this area include Columbus, Ohio; Huntington, W.Va.; Nashville, Tenn.; Rome, Ga.; Birmingham, Ala; and Jackson, Miss.

As we stated earlier, tornadoes are not the only threat. Severe thunderstorms produce frequent lightning strikes. The potential for winds strong enough to damage roofs and knock over trees is very high. Large hail accompanying the storms can cause injury, break windows and damage cars.
For these reasons we urge you to move indoors and away from windows as storms approach.

We strongly recommend constant monitoring of severe weather bulletins and staying in touch with family member's whereabouts.
If a storm is approaching your location, seek shelter in the basement, in a small interior room, or cover yourself with a mattress.

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