Monday, April 2, 2012 - Brett Anderson | Warmest March on Record for Winnipeg

Apr 2, 2012; 2:43 PM ET
March 2012 will go down as the warmest March on record for dozens of locations, including major cities across the eastern two-thirds of North America. Just an incredible month!
Winnipeg, Manitoba averaged a whopping 8.3 degrees celsius above normal or 2.2 C. To put that into perspective, the average temperature for last month was equal to the normal temperature during the first half of April.
The old record for March was set back in 1878 when the average temperature was 1.6 C. Records began in 1872.
Significant snow potential
Just as I finish writing about all the warmth we still have some winter to get through. Computer models are in pretty good agreement in tracking a developing storm northeastward through southeastern Alberta later Wednesday and Wednesday night. Along and east of the storm track it will be quite mild with a couple showers, but west of the track the cold air will wrap in, changing any initial liquid to a moderate to heavy snow, especially from the southeastern BC Rockies through southwestern Alberta, including Calgary and then up toward Edmonton.
It looks like the greatest threat for significant snow in southwestern Alberta will come late Wednesday afternoon and Wednesday night. I would expect to see amounts over 30 cm in the mountains while closer to Calgary there could easily be over 15 cm. Lesser amounts toward Edmonton.
I will have more detail with maps tomorrow.

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